Conditional sentence have two clauses, condition (if...) and result. The verb tenses use in each clause depends on whether the speaker thinks the results is probable (real) or only exist in the imagination (unreal).
Used for
Zero conditional
present, real / factual situation
First conditional
future real / factual situation
Second conttional
present or future unreal, imaginary situation
Third conditional
past unreal imaginary situation
- Kalau saja tadi pagi saya tidak sakit perut, saya kuliah hari ini
- Kalau saja Jokowi tidak terpilih menjadi presiden, Susi tidak akan menjadi menteri perikanan.
- Seandainya tidak makan gorengan tubuh kita sehat.
- Kalau saja saya punya sayap, saya akan terbang tinggi.
- Seandainya kamu bunga, aku jadi kumbangnya.
- Kalu saja dulu saya belajar dengan keras, maka kurang dari 6 bulan lagi saya di wisuda.
- Seandainya dulu hendi tidak mendaftar di Gunadarma, maka Hendi tidak akan kenal Yana.
- Kalau nantinya saya menjadi gubernur, saya akan memberi Miss. Linda apartemen.
- Kalau saja sekarang kuis saya dapat 100, maka saya dapat nilai A.
- Kalau saja nanti saya jadi manajer, saya akan menikahi Exaudi.
- Kalau saja sekarang saya bawa uang, saya akan traktir Bu. Linda.
- If only this morning I didn't had stomach ache, I went to class today. (zero types)
- If only Jokowi didn't get elected as president, Susi wouldn't become a Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. (second types)
- If we don't eat fried food, our body is healthy.(first types)
- If only I had wings, I would fly high. (second types)
- If only you were a flower, I would be the beetle.(second types)
- If only I studied hard, Then less than 6 months away I would in graduation. (second types)
- If Hendi hadn't registered in Gunadarma, then Hendi would have known Yana.(third types)
- If later I become a governor, I will give Miss. Linda an apartment.(first types)
- If only I get 100 on quiz now, then I will get an A.(first types)
- If only I become a manager, I will marry Exaudi. (first types)
- If only now I bring the money, I'll treat Miss. Linda.(first types)

Reference : www.englishclub.com